Nano sealer is a matching product of Aoheng company, which needs to seal the surface of self leveling cement before coating the color surface with self leveling cement. The product is a water-based milky white emulsion, its role is to seal the color surface layer self leveling cement surface pores, reduce the influence of the covering agent on the color surface self leveling cement color deepening, so that the coating agent is more uniform and natural, and at the same time reduce the amount of covering agent.
Scope of application: self leveling cement surface sealing treatment of color surface course.
Product features: strong sealing, strong adhesion, water-based material, milky white.
1. 将纳米封底剂按(乳液:水=1:3)的比例配好,第一遍用喷雾气均匀喷涂彩色面层自流平水泥的表面;
2. 第一遍喷完半小时之内按以上方法接着进行第二次均匀喷涂。
Usage method:
1. Match the nano sealing agent according to the ratio of (emulsion: water =1:3). First, spray the gas evenly and spray the colored surface layer to flow independently.Level the surface of the cement;
2. Within half an hour after the first spraying, carry out the second uniform spraying according to the above methods.
Dosage: About 0.06kg/m2.
Package specification: 5kg / barrel, 20kg / barrel.
Note: Spray must be uniform, do not make local excessive residual liquid.
品质硬 依靠先进的生产检测设备、标准的生产、严格的质量管理,保证纳米封底剂产品的高品质与产品的稳定性。 | 用途广 澳恒纳米封底剂用途广泛,应用和功能涵盖地面装饰,地面找平,破旧地面翻新,地面快速修补等地坪领域。 |
产品全 澳恒现有自流平水泥、彩色面层自流平水泥,水泥基高端商业地坪,功能性自流平水泥等五个大类,18种型号。 | 服务优 制定严格的纳米封底剂材料配比、用量及不同自流平产品的施工标准与流程手册,给用户提供更专业的自流平水泥施工指导。 |